About Us

BADEI GENERAL TRADING & SUPPLIES CO. LTD is a South Sudan business enterprise that is formed mainly to help reinforce the country’s economic development. It is general trading and supply company which is registered under South Sudan’s Company Act 2012 by the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs.


The company deals in, general trading & supply, construction, food & non-food items supply, stationeries supply, furniture supply, safety equipment supply, agricultural products and logisgics & transport services among others.


The company’s managing Directors have a wide experience in the general trading & services making it the most sought after local companies in complementing both to the private and public sector.

Our Mission

To be the leading service providing company in South Sudan

and across the region in professional, and quality deliberate


Our Vision

Our vision is to be the pre-eminent supply solutions

provider and customers’ choice in supplying their

preferred needs.

We work as a team so as to achieve a common goal, sharing both knowledge and expertise.

We are transparent and accountable for our actions.

We produce error free and effective quality results for the task given to us by the client.

We are truthful, fair, and transparent in both profession and personal reltionship with our clients.

We always respect the timeframe that we promise our clients to finish the job.

We measure the costs and provide quality services based on our client’s budget and capacity

Our operational excellence provides the foundation for the integrated logistics solutions that we offer to our customers. The team of skilled professionals constantly monitor operational performance by maintaining a PDCA (Plan / Do / Check / Action) cycle for continuous improvements. We focus on the development of highly advanced logistics technology and the global training of personnel. By providing in-depth analyses of the transportation environment and of various other technical services, our mission is to add critical value to our logistics solutions.